Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year~!

Gong Hei Fatt Choy everyone~! =p

Haven't been updating regularly. Hahaha.

Nothing much to update too lah. Work sucks as usual, life's good with hubby (with it's usual petty fights and tantrums and then kiss and make-up), well, everything's normal lor.

Chinese New Year as usual was off to hubby's hometown, where it was great to see his nephews again! Adorable, really. =p And everyone was hooked on my PSP lah. *sighs* And the things they say and do, really interesting. =p Didn't take much photos, partly because my handphone has no more memory, partly because my phone sucks lah. -_- I need a new phone.

Anyway, still collected lots of angpows this year! Ok lah, even if it's all in Ringgit. -_- But well, at least can all save in his Maybank account. =p

Tomorrow have to start work already, but still feeling kind of sick. Think I drank a tad bit too much on the last night at his hometown. Yeah, I did 'merlioned' a few times. *sighs* My alcohol tolerance level is not as good as before lah. But hey, at least I'm not like, dead drunk. At least I still can manage to change into my PJs, brush my teeth (though I don't know for what since I'm still puking), and went to bed. Of course, to promptly jump out and dash for the toilet for somemore puking. Lol.

Still having the after effects lor. Not to mention having a slight flu now. -_-

Well, still quite a good Chinese New Year. =)

Till the next time... Ciao...

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